Monday, April 30, 2012

Balance Brings Freedom!

by Cindy Gering

Welcome Spring!  I know that’s a sentiment we all share as we round the corner to beautiful sunny days and longer evenings! From someone who tries to be very mindful of fitness and exercise, spring also brings with it more opportunities to be active. As a lady, I’m also bombarded with images of what I “should” desire to look like, with scantily bikini clad models adorning the front pages of magazines, store windows and billboards everywhere. Each year, I have to check my motives by taking a step back and reviewing why I seek to be fit.
I strongly believe the goal of exercise should be to improve or maintain good physical health so we will have more physical energy that we can devote to spiritual things, as well as being good stewards of what God has given us (our bodies). When my thoughts and desires veer away from this, then I begin to see a shift in my focus. I become more “outward” focused. I begin to be more critical of myself and unhappy with lack of results that I think I should see. I desire things that may not be in line with what God desires for me.

As Christian women, we must strive to find the healthy balance between the two extremes of working very hard to look great (which might still be a result of physical exercise and healthy eating) vs. neglecting ourselves because it may seem selfish or because we are not required to do so. The Bible is clear about taking care of our “temples” and having a positive view toward them. First Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”This tells me that we are indeed supposed to be good stewards of that which God has entrusted to us, and that would include physical exercise and healthy eating, even though we are not under the law, and have freedom in this area.
Another reason that I firmly believe we should take an interest in maintaining good health is the increased amount of energy that we receive from it. The one reoccurring phrase that I hear from people who make healthy changes is, “I just feel so much better!” Sometimes we don’t even realize how poorly we can feel until we take intentional steps to correct poor eating habits or a sedentary lifestyle and begin to feel better and more energized!

These are two reasons that I would like to encourage and motivate you with as we head into spring and summer! It is of extreme importance, as daughters of our Heavenly King, that we view our bodies as tools to be used for kingdom work, rather than something we can take arrogant pride in. There will no doubt be numerous reminders to check our motives and hearts, and to proceed with humility and a healthy image of who we are in Christ! So when you feed your body healthy things, remember you are nourishing God's creation for His purpose and plan! When you work out, give it your all, as Ecclesiastes says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working, nor planning, nor knowledge, nor wisdom.” We need to make today count for the kingdom and feel energized and great while doing it! 

Have a wonderful and healthy summer!!