Monday, April 30, 2012

Balance Brings Freedom!

by Cindy Gering

Welcome Spring!  I know that’s a sentiment we all share as we round the corner to beautiful sunny days and longer evenings! From someone who tries to be very mindful of fitness and exercise, spring also brings with it more opportunities to be active. As a lady, I’m also bombarded with images of what I “should” desire to look like, with scantily bikini clad models adorning the front pages of magazines, store windows and billboards everywhere. Each year, I have to check my motives by taking a step back and reviewing why I seek to be fit.
I strongly believe the goal of exercise should be to improve or maintain good physical health so we will have more physical energy that we can devote to spiritual things, as well as being good stewards of what God has given us (our bodies). When my thoughts and desires veer away from this, then I begin to see a shift in my focus. I become more “outward” focused. I begin to be more critical of myself and unhappy with lack of results that I think I should see. I desire things that may not be in line with what God desires for me.

As Christian women, we must strive to find the healthy balance between the two extremes of working very hard to look great (which might still be a result of physical exercise and healthy eating) vs. neglecting ourselves because it may seem selfish or because we are not required to do so. The Bible is clear about taking care of our “temples” and having a positive view toward them. First Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”This tells me that we are indeed supposed to be good stewards of that which God has entrusted to us, and that would include physical exercise and healthy eating, even though we are not under the law, and have freedom in this area.
Another reason that I firmly believe we should take an interest in maintaining good health is the increased amount of energy that we receive from it. The one reoccurring phrase that I hear from people who make healthy changes is, “I just feel so much better!” Sometimes we don’t even realize how poorly we can feel until we take intentional steps to correct poor eating habits or a sedentary lifestyle and begin to feel better and more energized!

These are two reasons that I would like to encourage and motivate you with as we head into spring and summer! It is of extreme importance, as daughters of our Heavenly King, that we view our bodies as tools to be used for kingdom work, rather than something we can take arrogant pride in. There will no doubt be numerous reminders to check our motives and hearts, and to proceed with humility and a healthy image of who we are in Christ! So when you feed your body healthy things, remember you are nourishing God's creation for His purpose and plan! When you work out, give it your all, as Ecclesiastes says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working, nor planning, nor knowledge, nor wisdom.” We need to make today count for the kingdom and feel energized and great while doing it! 

Have a wonderful and healthy summer!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012


by Cindy Gering

“Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today,” said Thomas Jefferson on the subject of procrastination.  I remind myself of this quote often when it comes to getting motivated to exercise.  It’s something that I’m sure many struggle with, as I have heard numerous jokes about one’s diet or exercise regimen starting “tomorrow."  And, of course, tomorrow never comes.   

When it’s cold and dreary outside, we need an extra nudge to keep us motivated to exercise.  But now that the sun has been shining down on us and has ushered in an early spring, we need to rid ourselves of every excuse, and get moving!  We have been given a gift of some additional beautiful days, which are perfect for a bike ride, walking or gardening.  (I am also including a delicious and healthy recipe below, to help use up the abundance of a yummy vegetable garden.)

In contrast, maybe you take the view of Aaron Burr, “Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow,” when it comes to fitness. While humorous, it’s very easy to take this approach.  I have found that there is and will always be something else that “needs” to be done and will compete for my time and energy.  If exercise is not a priority then I fall prey far too easily to this mindset.   

For me, it comes down to self-discipline and balance.  Balance must be sought after in so many areas of a busy woman’s life, but I encourage you to include some attention to your health and well-being.  It truly is energizing to exercise.  It seems that I get more accomplished when I make time for my work-out than when it gets scratched off the “to-do” list.  I find myself more motivated to get other chores accomplished and also find my mind more clear as well.  These are just a few of the immediate benefits for having a regular maintenance program to stay (or get) in shape.  If you haven’t already begun this spring, give yourself the boost and attention that you need and by all means don’t put it off till tomorrow, because today is all we have.  Determination today leads to success tomorrow!  

 Savory Stuffed Zucchini

2 medium zucchini; halved lengthwise (scoop out seeds & discard then place zucchini on baking sheet)
In skillet:
2 T. butter
½ c. diced red onion
½ c. red pepper, diced
1 yellow squash, seeded & chopped

Saute until veggies begin to get tender.   Add 2 minced cloves of garlic and sauté one more minute.  

Add 1 large or 2 small Roma tomatoes, diced, then turn off heat and add:
¼ c. Italian bread crumbs
¼ c. fresh grated Parmesan
2 T. bacon bits (turkey bacon works well)
½ t. dried oregano
Salt & pepper, to taste
Mix together and stuff into zucchini shells.  Bake for 45 minutes @ 375 or until tender.  Enjoy!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Learn how to Prevent the Preventable!

by Cindy Gering

With spring right around the corner and somewhat already here, how are you preparing to get or stay fit and healthy?  The seasons bring with them different approaches and opportunities regarding fitness and health.  Perhaps you will soon begin to plant a garden in order to have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables on hand.  The nice weather may cause you to dust off the bicycle and go biking or jogging in the afternoons.  One of the ways we can stay “fresh” and motivated in these areas is to learn about new approaches, philosophies and even new recipes to keep things interesting. 

Every day, we make choices that pertain to our health and fitness, among other things.  There are things at the grocery store that I will never buy now, but would purchase occasionally in my more naive years.   I have learned to make some foods from scratch in order to avoid preservatives and fillers used in many “shelf” and processed foods. A good rule of thumb is to shop the perimeter of the store first, then work through the inside isles. Most of your shopping cart should be filled with the “outside” items such as dairy, meat and produce.    

My tendency is to cook wonderful, comfort foods that I learned to love at my mother’s knee. I certainly don’t throw those recipes out, but I do look at how I can revise them a bit to make them friendlier because they are healthier and lighter! Need an example? A great one is to substitute applesauce for oil when baking! If you don’t want to go all the way, do half and half. Using whole wheat flour is another great substitute that lets you stay away from refined, processed flour. 

It’s also important to become more knowledgeable about your family history and diseases that are prominent in our society.  Diabetes and heart disease are dramatically on the increase.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention predicts that by 2050, one out of three adults will have diabetes if current trends continue.  We are also seeing a rise in children with this disease.  Our bodies gradually change with every birthday and so we must learn how to prevent the things that are preventable.  (CDC also states that “Type 2 diabetes [which accounts for 90-95% of cases] can be prevented through healthy food choices, physical activity, and weight loss.”)  When we educate ourselves about these things,we are accepting a more responsible and aggressive role in our personal health.

I believe we should always have a teachable spirit and be in the mode of learning how we can better ourselves, ultimately so that we can fulfill God’s plan for our lives, one day at a time, and bring honor and credit to Him. So, open a book, or even go online and educate yourself on some healthy alternatives in food and exercise. The more knowledge we have of these things, the more likely we are to prevent the preventable!  No matter how many birthdays we have, let’s never get too old to learn!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


by Cindy Gering
Here we are looking at another month in 2012!  Did you make New Year’s resolutions just one short month ago?  I would love to know how you are doing with those commitments.  Feel free to e-mail me or talk to me at church about your successes and struggles.

We hear a lot about fitness and health at this time of the year.  Sometimes it can be overwhelming and things get muddy . . . should we eat eggs, should we not, does our cholesterol really matter, or is it in the genes that we were born with and cannot control?  Should we take supplements or get our nutrients naturally, through the food God gave us?  Should we splurge on organic or does it really matter?  If you are confused at times, you’re in the same boat as me!  Let me urge you to be diligent in finding the answers to your questions.  You and your family’s health matters!

However, there are lists of “superfoods” out there that are hard to argue their value.  One definition is that “a superfood is one which has high concentrations of essential nutrients with proven health benefits, with few properties generally considered to be negative”.  If you google the words “superfoods” you will get many lists, but they are usually pretty similar, or at least have common denominators!  If you can incorporate these foods into your daily diet more often, I believe you will reap amazing benefits.   God has given us wonderful foods and sources for the nutrients that we need, we just need to know how to find them, as the American diet has moved quite a ways from a “natural” approach.   I believe that what we eat today can have an astounding effect on how we feel not only today, but in the future!
I will give you my personal top 10 list of wonderful, common, easy to find “superfoods” and want to encourage you to make them a part of your diet.  It’s one more way to make small changes that will last for a lifetime.   Finding creative ways to incorporate them into your diet will keep it interesting so that you don’t get bored with them.   And by all means, expand your list, by researching and experimenting with other foods.
1.       Almonds (or more generally, most nuts and seeds) – watch serving size….a little goes a long way!
2.       Avocados – chop, sprinkle with a little sea salt and lemon juice and you have a tasty, healthy accompaniment for many dishes, or to just eat for a snack with a few whole grain chips!
3.       Beans and lentils – try to add them into soups, Mexican dishes, etc. for variety!
4.       Blueberries – probably the most often cited “superfood” because they are among the best source of antioxidants, but all berries can make this list!
5.       Broccoli – There are so many ways to incorporate broccoli into your diet. Get creative!  All other leafy greens could have made this list as well!
6.       Cacao or dark chocolate – Another high antioxidant food!  Look for at least 75% cacao.  Cook with it or add it to your coffee in the morning.  Snicker bars are not equivalent to this!  J  Sorry!
7.       Eggs – To answer the question about eggs earlier, the fact that they made my list shows the result of my research on them.  I opt for the Omega 3 eggs…..more expensive, yes, but worth the investment. 
8.       Wild salmon – Another delicious food that is rich in Omega 3 fats. 
9.       Tea (green or black) – Here’s one that has no calories, you can drink it all day long if you want and the benefits are amazing!  (Just make sure it’s caffeine free!)
10.   Yogurt – The probiotic and digestive benefits are what yogurt is widely known for.  Opt for the now very popular “Greek” yogurt for an extra helping of protein.  *Tip – If you must take an antibiotic for something, go to the health food store and buy a strong probiotic to counter the effects of the antibiotic, which kills the good bacteria along with the bad.  But for daily maintenance, yogurt is a great source!

I had a hard time stopping at just ten!  There are so many great, healthy foods, that this is just the tip of the iceberg.  The older I become, the more "healthy" foods I find that I love and wish that I had discovered them earlier in life.  If you are trying to make the switch and go healthier this year, start with some of these "powerhouse" foods and begin reaping the benefits.  I am very confident that when you get back to tasting food the way God intended for it to taste, you won't be satisfied with anything else!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stay Motivated for a Healthy New Year!

By Cindy Gering

Hello Ladies and welcome to 2012!  If you’re anything like me, you are experiencing a sense of newness, inspiration and determination as we face this new year!  Maybe, like me, you are making some promises to yourself that you know will last this time. :) The unfortunate news is that research shows around 80% of people who make resolutions will fall off the wagon by Valentine’s Day. I believe some of the reasons are that we set lofty or unrealistic goals that we come to realize are unattainable, we get bored with our new regimen or we allow other “more important” things to take priority on our calendars.  Or it’s possible that we just lack self-discipline.  Studies also suggest that two-thirds of dieters gain back any lost weight within a year.  These disturbing statistics should be enough to help keep us motivated, in order to beat the odds.  Who doesn’t love a good challenge?!  Hopefully I can encourage you to stay motivated and committed each month. 

Even though we had a very mild December, there’s no arguing that we are in the midst of the bleak, cold winter and the goal is to stay warm, and much of the time that means idleness.  I would much rather sit under a soft blanket on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate and watch a great movie than exercise. :)  Now, there’s definitely a time and place for this wonderful indulgence, but there’s also a time, place and need to get up and get moving.  Keeping that blood circulating through exercise is a great way to warm up in these winter months, and even though it’s often hard to get started, I always thank myself for doing it, after a great workout.  It re-energizes me and gives me a lift mentally, emotionally and physically. All of those areas can affect me spiritually, as well!

As I mentioned in last month’s article, I have tried over the years to make small changes that will last a lifetime, without depriving myself of the things that I love to eat, in moderation of course.  It has also been important for me to find ways to stay motivated.  Here are a few ways to stay on track and set realistic and attainable goals:

1.  Find an exercise that is fun and offers variety.  There are so many options these days and each woman needs to find a program or regimen that is right for her and that she enjoys.  On that note, I would like to personally invite you to try the Zumba class that WOW ministry offers every Tuesday night in the Youth Center.  Many women have found that this is a great way to burn calories in a casual and fun atmosphere with other ladies.  If not Zumba, find another option that works for you.  

2.  For me, there is something very motivating about changing into my exercise clothes and driving somewhere else to workout.   At that point, I will give 110%!!   I have talked to numerous women that share this same feeling.  
3.  Find a trusted accountability partner that has similar goals and desires for her fitness regimen.  Accountability relationships are important in all aspects of our life and can give us the necessary nudge and encouragement that we need when we begin to lose our excitement and drive, and vice-versa.  

4.  Identify the excuses that you use when you begin to lose momentum in your routine. If you have an accountability partner, go over them with her and come up with ways to counter those excuses.  If you are going solo, then write them down, along with a solution for each excuse.  This will help you to have your answer ready on days when you begin to talk yourself out of it.

5.  Memorize this:  “Eat less, move more!”  That’s a great place to start and a simple concept to making small changes that can last for a lifetime.  Even if you’ve fallen off the wagon, don’t give in to a “failure” mentality.  You can always “eat less, move more” and then get yourself back on track!  Don’t let one bad day lead to two.  The days can lead to weeks, weeks to months, etc.

6.  Last and certainly not least, as a child of our Heavenly Father, pray about the strength and commitment that you lack in sticking to a healthy lifestyle that pleases Him.  He will guide you in how to prioritize your time & commitments. I talk with so many women who feel defeated in the area of self-image, weight issues and lack of energy or drive to do anything about it.  He does not want us to have this unhealthy mentality and will show you if you seek Him.  Sometimes we forget to pray about things such as this.  Ultimately, make it a priority to obey and honor Him in all you do!

My wish and prayer for the new year ahead is that you find health, happiness, peace, joy, strength and energy to accomplish the ordinary tasks of life, as well as the bigger things that might come your way.  I believe that taking care of the body that God gave us is a very important part of managing His property, so that we can in turn take care of all of the things and people that He has entrusted to us!  Have a very blessed and healthy new year!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holiday Fitness Hints

by Cindy Gering

At this time of year, we are all faced with yet another season of busy-ness, poor eating habits and calorie-laden cookie platters, meat and cheese trays and decadent desserts that are just impossible to resist. 

My theory is to not deny myself, but to find balance in the moment and make lifestyle adjustments that last for a lifetime, so that I don’t have to deprive myself of the “sweeter” things in life, as long as it is in moderation.  One of the things I do is to make a point to exercise vigorously at least 3 times a week, but I believe just as importantly in making small changes in my daily habits that will last for a lifetime.  I believe we are to be good stewards of our bodies so that we can remain healthy and be most effective to accomplish God’s will and purpose in our lives. I would like to share some of these with you.

Cindy’s Top 10 Personal Tips:

1.       Cut out the soda and replace it with water (this includes diet soda).  I realize this is easier said than done.  When I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter 25 years ago, I kicked the soda habit and haven’t looked back since.  It was one area that I could sacrifice the calories fairly easily.  If this is a more difficult area for you (like it is for my husband), cut back to one a day for a month, then one every other day, etc.  Eventually, you will be surprised that you don’t “need” it and be amazed over the calories you are saving.  Realizing that diet soda is calorie free, it is important to note that if there is still a “need” for this on a regular basis, then there might be a dependency that needs to be dealt with.  Personally, I believe that diet soda is just as unhealthy as regular soda.  Regardless, it has no nutritional value to offer as you seek to become a healthier, well rounded person (no pun intended :)).

2.       Trade in your white bread for whole wheat or whole grain bread.  Make sure it has “whole” in the name, not just “wheat”.  Watch the “extra” breads too, such as bagels, hamburger and hot dog buns, etc.  Also, trade in your white rice for brown rice.

3.       Don’t stress out, waste time or fight for the close parking spaces at the market or the mall.  Compromising safety is never an option, but other than that, make it a point to park farther away so that you can get in those extra steps and burn a few extra calories.  And yes, this even includes cold weather.  It actually invigorates and energizes me to take a nice brisk walk out in the cold and the distance from a parking spot at the end of the lot can many times be just the right distance to get an extra burst of energy for your shopping trip!

4.       When you have the option, choose the stairs rather than the elevator.  Rick and I have a standing rule that if it’s five floors or less, we take the stairs.  If you set your guidelines beforehand, then it takes away the temptation to cave in the moment.

5.       Try to incorporate a “whole foods” approach to your diet and lifestyle.  ("Whole foods" - that is, foods that are as close to their natural form as possible.)  I will talk more about this in the next Wow Connect!.
6.       Begin your day with a tall glass of water before allowing coffee.  Then make sure you get 7 more cups throughout the day.

7.       I always try to eat a healthy, balanced breakfast within 30 minutes of waking, to jump-start my metabolism, and resist eating anything after 8:00 in the evening, so as to have everything well digested before going to bed.

8.       Portion control is key.  I try to abide by a guideline of one moderate serving of everything, with seconds allowed on vegetables when it is a home cooked meal.  At a restaurant, where servings are generally 2-4 times the normal serving size, I either see if I can order a children’s meal, or take half of my meal home for lunch the next day.  This is beneficial on the wallet, as well! 

9.       Turn off the TV!!  There is overwhelming research that links television watching to obesity, due to a sedentary lifestyle that accompanies it.  Do you find that the TV is the first thing to go on in the morning or the last thing off at night?  Kick the habit and invest your time and energy into doing something productive, such as take up a new hobby, clean out those closets or cupboards or better yet, invest in someone who may need a good friend to talk to or share a cup of coffee with.

10.   Be a “nibbler”!  Keep your blood sugar levels balanced by nibbling on healthy snacks (to include dark chocolate) throughout the day.  I find that if I’m not “starving” by the time I sit down to a meal, I will be able to make more logically healthy choices at mealtime and eat less overall! 

If you begin with just a few changes at a time, make a habit of them, then add a few more at a time, the benefits will far outweigh the sacrifices.  You will begin to become more aware of the small things that can have big impact when combined with other healthy choices.  Then, when it comes time to enjoying the Pumpkin Cheesecake at the office party, you can enjoy it with a clear conscience.  Just be sure to ask for a “to go” box so that you can take half of it home with you!  :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall Family Fitness!

by Ashley Haeberle

It’s that time of the year where we tend to justify why we are eating more than usual because New Year’s resolutions are right around the corner!  You know who you are :)  I know because I am one of them! Seems fair, right?  Well, I guess we could justify why we aren’t eating the way we should (portion control being the most important aspect of eating right, in my opinion).  We could tell ourselves that we will start working out again after January 1st.   But why would we do that when we can have the best of both worlds? 

Now, I understand that this time of the year is very busy, and it really is hard to find the time to get to the gym or even out on the road for a jog. But you can find 20 minutes, I promise! It might be 5am, or 11pm but you can find the time! 

Try this: It’s called the 300 workout. Basically you do 300 reps of whatever you want! Here’s how I would do it: 50 squats, 50 right leg lunges, 50 left leg lunges, 50 push ups, 50 crunches and 50 jump ropes. By the way, you don’t really need a jump rope, just pretend like you have one and go through the motions. Do that everyday, preferably along with some cardio, and you will be on your way to being a fitness guru! 

So, see? You can go through the holidays without completely undoing what you worked all year for (or didn’t work all year for). :)   Did you know that in 2-3 weeks of being sedentary, you will lose 3 months worth of muscle building? I don’t tell you that to depress you, but to hopefully help you realize how important it is to be consistent in your exercise. Your muscles (and your jeans) will thank you! 

Okay, enough about that, how about some ideas that can get your whole family moving! Fall, I think, is the best time of the year to get active as a family. One of my family’s favorite things to do is go on a walk around the neighborhood after dinner every night. This is great because the worst thing you can do is plop down on the couch after filling your belly with food. Get moving so your food can digest more quickly, leaving less opportunity for it to settle in a place you don't want it!  Go on hikes, bike rides, or anything else you can find to do that is physically active and healthy for your family. We love jumping on the trampoline, swimming at an indoor pool and going to the Monkey House (a building filled with huge bounce-around houses for kids…and play on). I think Ricky and I enjoy the Monkey House more than the kids do, and I’m usually out of breath and super sweaty by the time we go home. But it’s all worth it because it’s so much fun!  

So, remember this: don’t be miserable around the holidays.  Eat yummy food--just remember portion control, keep exercising and get your family involved! Most of all, enjoy this beautiful time of the year, and thank God for His wonderful creation!