Tuesday, January 31, 2012


by Cindy Gering
Here we are looking at another month in 2012!  Did you make New Year’s resolutions just one short month ago?  I would love to know how you are doing with those commitments.  Feel free to e-mail me or talk to me at church about your successes and struggles.

We hear a lot about fitness and health at this time of the year.  Sometimes it can be overwhelming and things get muddy . . . should we eat eggs, should we not, does our cholesterol really matter, or is it in the genes that we were born with and cannot control?  Should we take supplements or get our nutrients naturally, through the food God gave us?  Should we splurge on organic or does it really matter?  If you are confused at times, you’re in the same boat as me!  Let me urge you to be diligent in finding the answers to your questions.  You and your family’s health matters!

However, there are lists of “superfoods” out there that are hard to argue their value.  One definition is that “a superfood is one which has high concentrations of essential nutrients with proven health benefits, with few properties generally considered to be negative”.  If you google the words “superfoods” you will get many lists, but they are usually pretty similar, or at least have common denominators!  If you can incorporate these foods into your daily diet more often, I believe you will reap amazing benefits.   God has given us wonderful foods and sources for the nutrients that we need, we just need to know how to find them, as the American diet has moved quite a ways from a “natural” approach.   I believe that what we eat today can have an astounding effect on how we feel not only today, but in the future!
I will give you my personal top 10 list of wonderful, common, easy to find “superfoods” and want to encourage you to make them a part of your diet.  It’s one more way to make small changes that will last for a lifetime.   Finding creative ways to incorporate them into your diet will keep it interesting so that you don’t get bored with them.   And by all means, expand your list, by researching and experimenting with other foods.
1.       Almonds (or more generally, most nuts and seeds) – watch serving size….a little goes a long way!
2.       Avocados – chop, sprinkle with a little sea salt and lemon juice and you have a tasty, healthy accompaniment for many dishes, or to just eat for a snack with a few whole grain chips!
3.       Beans and lentils – try to add them into soups, Mexican dishes, etc. for variety!
4.       Blueberries – probably the most often cited “superfood” because they are among the best source of antioxidants, but all berries can make this list!
5.       Broccoli – There are so many ways to incorporate broccoli into your diet. Get creative!  All other leafy greens could have made this list as well!
6.       Cacao or dark chocolate – Another high antioxidant food!  Look for at least 75% cacao.  Cook with it or add it to your coffee in the morning.  Snicker bars are not equivalent to this!  J  Sorry!
7.       Eggs – To answer the question about eggs earlier, the fact that they made my list shows the result of my research on them.  I opt for the Omega 3 eggs…..more expensive, yes, but worth the investment. 
8.       Wild salmon – Another delicious food that is rich in Omega 3 fats. 
9.       Tea (green or black) – Here’s one that has no calories, you can drink it all day long if you want and the benefits are amazing!  (Just make sure it’s caffeine free!)
10.   Yogurt – The probiotic and digestive benefits are what yogurt is widely known for.  Opt for the now very popular “Greek” yogurt for an extra helping of protein.  *Tip – If you must take an antibiotic for something, go to the health food store and buy a strong probiotic to counter the effects of the antibiotic, which kills the good bacteria along with the bad.  But for daily maintenance, yogurt is a great source!

I had a hard time stopping at just ten!  There are so many great, healthy foods, that this is just the tip of the iceberg.  The older I become, the more "healthy" foods I find that I love and wish that I had discovered them earlier in life.  If you are trying to make the switch and go healthier this year, start with some of these "powerhouse" foods and begin reaping the benefits.  I am very confident that when you get back to tasting food the way God intended for it to taste, you won't be satisfied with anything else!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stay Motivated for a Healthy New Year!

By Cindy Gering

Hello Ladies and welcome to 2012!  If you’re anything like me, you are experiencing a sense of newness, inspiration and determination as we face this new year!  Maybe, like me, you are making some promises to yourself that you know will last this time. :) The unfortunate news is that research shows around 80% of people who make resolutions will fall off the wagon by Valentine’s Day. I believe some of the reasons are that we set lofty or unrealistic goals that we come to realize are unattainable, we get bored with our new regimen or we allow other “more important” things to take priority on our calendars.  Or it’s possible that we just lack self-discipline.  Studies also suggest that two-thirds of dieters gain back any lost weight within a year.  These disturbing statistics should be enough to help keep us motivated, in order to beat the odds.  Who doesn’t love a good challenge?!  Hopefully I can encourage you to stay motivated and committed each month. 

Even though we had a very mild December, there’s no arguing that we are in the midst of the bleak, cold winter and the goal is to stay warm, and much of the time that means idleness.  I would much rather sit under a soft blanket on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate and watch a great movie than exercise. :)  Now, there’s definitely a time and place for this wonderful indulgence, but there’s also a time, place and need to get up and get moving.  Keeping that blood circulating through exercise is a great way to warm up in these winter months, and even though it’s often hard to get started, I always thank myself for doing it, after a great workout.  It re-energizes me and gives me a lift mentally, emotionally and physically. All of those areas can affect me spiritually, as well!

As I mentioned in last month’s article, I have tried over the years to make small changes that will last a lifetime, without depriving myself of the things that I love to eat, in moderation of course.  It has also been important for me to find ways to stay motivated.  Here are a few ways to stay on track and set realistic and attainable goals:

1.  Find an exercise that is fun and offers variety.  There are so many options these days and each woman needs to find a program or regimen that is right for her and that she enjoys.  On that note, I would like to personally invite you to try the Zumba class that WOW ministry offers every Tuesday night in the Youth Center.  Many women have found that this is a great way to burn calories in a casual and fun atmosphere with other ladies.  If not Zumba, find another option that works for you.  

2.  For me, there is something very motivating about changing into my exercise clothes and driving somewhere else to workout.   At that point, I will give 110%!!   I have talked to numerous women that share this same feeling.  
3.  Find a trusted accountability partner that has similar goals and desires for her fitness regimen.  Accountability relationships are important in all aspects of our life and can give us the necessary nudge and encouragement that we need when we begin to lose our excitement and drive, and vice-versa.  

4.  Identify the excuses that you use when you begin to lose momentum in your routine. If you have an accountability partner, go over them with her and come up with ways to counter those excuses.  If you are going solo, then write them down, along with a solution for each excuse.  This will help you to have your answer ready on days when you begin to talk yourself out of it.

5.  Memorize this:  “Eat less, move more!”  That’s a great place to start and a simple concept to making small changes that can last for a lifetime.  Even if you’ve fallen off the wagon, don’t give in to a “failure” mentality.  You can always “eat less, move more” and then get yourself back on track!  Don’t let one bad day lead to two.  The days can lead to weeks, weeks to months, etc.

6.  Last and certainly not least, as a child of our Heavenly Father, pray about the strength and commitment that you lack in sticking to a healthy lifestyle that pleases Him.  He will guide you in how to prioritize your time & commitments. I talk with so many women who feel defeated in the area of self-image, weight issues and lack of energy or drive to do anything about it.  He does not want us to have this unhealthy mentality and will show you if you seek Him.  Sometimes we forget to pray about things such as this.  Ultimately, make it a priority to obey and honor Him in all you do!

My wish and prayer for the new year ahead is that you find health, happiness, peace, joy, strength and energy to accomplish the ordinary tasks of life, as well as the bigger things that might come your way.  I believe that taking care of the body that God gave us is a very important part of managing His property, so that we can in turn take care of all of the things and people that He has entrusted to us!  Have a very blessed and healthy new year!!